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Building a network marketing team with leadership wisdom from the Bible.

Biblical Principals.

This starts with a desire to let the Holy Spirit lead us.


In a social media world that tells you to buy followers & profit profit profit  -- Im here to SHAKE UP the rules.


Esther - saved a whole nation by being loyal to her people. 


Ruth - went from working in the field to owning the field by being an obedient steward of the season she was in.


David - Was a man after God's own heart. Was over looked, a Shepards boy, but was anointed by God to be King even when others didn't believe in him or SEE it.


Proverbs 31 woman - did not allow the taste of gossip, discontentment, or self pity to touch her tongue. She reverently worshipped the Lord. She knows beauty fades. She had no idles. She constantly speaks kindness. She took care of her household & honored taking care of her family. She did not worry of the future. 

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