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All About KK

Hi friends, welcome! I am so so grateful you are HERE!

I have such a desire to keep the Lord present & centered in every aspect of my life. Marriage, parenting, relationships, &! As a mom of two, I find it hard to keep up with the perfect Pinterest fairytale. One, is anyones kitchen always clean? I am not the best cook, & I have ZERO crafting skills. SO SEND HELP. LOL,  Can you relate?

But, I have a heart after Jesus, & I want to raise my kids in HIS word & show them an IMPERFECT mom who ran off grace, caffeine, & stewardship of everything he has blessed me with! I want to LOVE my husband so boldly that he FEELS GOD!


I have been in the social media social selling space for almost a decade. I have to be honest with you... we weren't created to constantly hustle & throw on a BOSS BABE badge.

We are created in the IMAGE of God. & to my understanding, obedience, stewardship, & rest are all apart of that. Not constantly chasing MORE. Not trying to FIT IN to this world. But, glorifying HIM through all of our success, seasons, & praise. Understanding the TRUE riches (including to scripture) are JOY, KINDNESS, PEACE, LOVE, HEALTH.
We are called to be set apart, & HOLY, for him.

So how do we do that in a world that's focus is self ambition & follower focused? We pray.
We surrender our feelings, thoughts, & desires. We open our bible & let him into our hearts, minds, lives, and HOMES.

Come join me on this journey of beautiful growth.
Talk soon! - Katie

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